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Hvis du har navigeret til denne side, er du evt. allerede klar over, at kvaliteten af dit firmas dokumentation kan forbedres, eller at udarbejdelsen af dokumentationen ikke er så effektiv, som den kunne være - og meget sandsynligt begge dele!

Vær ikke forbavset! I de fleste virksomheder er der altid plads til forbedringer i dokumentationen - især i hurtigtvoksende virksomheder!

Dette skyldes primært at dokumentationsteamet alt for ofte står over for modstridende prioriteter (som medfører stop-start arbejde og multi-tasking - produktivitetsdræber begge to), nice-to-have opgaver, som sniger sig ind, samt spidsbelastninger ifm. releases. Både kvaliteten og effektiviteten falder som følge af disse.

Det behøver ikke at være sådan...

Jeg kan hjælpe dig med at afklare problemerne, som dokumentationsteamet står over for, og foreslå, hvad man kan gøre for at forbedre både dit teams arbejdsforhold og dets produktivitet. Win-win.

Om mig


"En ekspert er en person, som har begået alle de fejl, som er muligt at begå inden for et begrænset område." - Niels Bohr.

Forbedring af dokumentationsprocesser er, hvad jeg gør - det er min ekspertise.

Jeg påstår ikke at have lavet samtlige fejl, som kan laves inden for det begrænsede område, som dokumentation udgør, men med over 18 års erfaring bl.a. på nogle af de største dokumentationsprojekter i Europa, har jeg oplevet fejl nok til at kende faldgruberne på vejen mod bedre dokumentationskvalitet og højere dokumentationsproduktivitet.

Det betyder, at jeg kan hjælpe dit firma med at udstikke en kurs, der undgår dem.

Og til dig, det betyder både besparelser og en bedre chance for at opfylde dine mål til tiden.

Mine kvalifikationer? Se her!

" En ekspert er en person, som har begået alle de fejl, som er muligt at begå inden for et begrænset område." – Niels Bohr.

Under oversættelse…

Improving documentation processes is what I do - my expertise.

Typically only approx. 20% of documentation time is spent on value-addition (content creation). Most time is spent on rework and handling documents - tasks that can either be reduced, or automated, or even outsourced.

My objective is to increase the percentage of time spent on value addition to >70%.

I offer over 25 years of experience working on some of the largest documentation projects in Europe, with over 11 years as either a documentation line manager or documentation project manager.

Combine managerial overview with hands-on expertise…

During that time I have experienced enough mistakes and dead-ends to help steer your project around the many pitfalls along the way - resulting in reduced costs and a better chance of meeting your goals on time.

Some projects delivered:

  • Process analysis of design and development to ensure both on-time documentation to avoid delays in construction projects and compliance with EU Machinery Directive.
  • Development of multi-country reporting system (form, database, data visualizations) for COVID-19 pandemic response data (Excel, PowerBI, VBA, M, DAX).
  • Development of management tools Excel (VBA) and MS Project for influenza pandemic preparedness support.
  • Maintain and extend documentation for TESSy system, including disease meta data protocols, networking user guidelines.
  • Analysis of documentation requirements for heavy engineering (new wind turbine type) - plan and monitor production, ensure compliance with EU Machinery Directive, EU Declaration of Conformity etc.; requirements for technical libraries of 340+ manuals + 3D spare parts catalog.
  • Production management of 700+ documentation items (MS Project Server).
  • Analysis, rationalization and documentation of processes and procedures for QHSE in medical equipment, including US FDA compliance; compliance maintenance, logistics management and deadline control for 2000+ version-controlled documents in 26 languages.
  • Analysis, process-mapping and documentation of processes and procedures for SOX compliance of SAP roll-out (approx. 120 processes analyzed and documented).
  • LEAN analysis and management  process analysis and kaizens, etc.
  • SharePoint site design and implementation - especially document management.
  • Development of API, database and customization documentation for IBM banking system.
  • Implementation of outsourcing of documentation and translation (China and India).
  • Implementation of computer-aided translation for 26 languages.
  • Systems analysis for financial management system for Kuwait Ministry of Finance.

Flere detaljer om mig – LinkedIn

Du kan finde mit CV på LinkedIn her.



Se LinkedIn.

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My experience with a wide range of information management tools gives me both traction at a hands-on level and an understanding of how tools can be applied for process improvements.


SharePoint site development and administration - SharePoint Online, 2016 and 2010.

MS Project

MS Project

MS Project including Enterprise Project Management.

Used for project management of development work for 39+ team members in the four teams.

MS Excel

MS Excel

MS Excel super user - VBA (macros), Power Query, M


Power BI

Business intelligence visualizations, dashboard development. Power Query and DAX.

HTML / web development

Structured documentation XML & HTML

XML-based editing tools (FrameMaker, Flare). HTML editors.





My over 20 years’ experience in information and documentation management enables me to see the big picture – to rationalize processes and get buy-in for them.

MS Project superuser, Excel integration

  • Project management with 25 FTE
  • Line management with 12 FTE
  • MS Project 


20+ years managerial and hands-on experience

Expert in:

  • Process analysis, process improvement.
  • Business intelligence and process documentation. SOPs.
  • Documentation management, LEAN documentation, data visualization.
  • Documentation compliance, e.g. FDA part 11, EU Machinery Directive and EU Declaration of Conformity.
  • IT system documentation (technical writing).

Hands-on skills:

VBA, Excel super-user, PowerBI super-user, MS Office super-user, MS Project, SharePoint administrator, SAP DMS, and 30+ other tools, including CMS tools, Doc-To-Help, RoboHelp, computer-aided translation, Apache tools, MS Access, MySQL.

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